choosing a college

Using the Family Vacation for College Visits

Family vacations can serve a dual purpose if you have a student thinking about college. Combining your family vacation with…

9 months ago

Where Should My Student Go To College?

This is the time! Your student has been admitted to one or more colleges for the following year! This is…

3 years ago

They’re Admitted! Now What?

It’s that time of year when students begin receiving acceptance letters from the colleges and universities they applied to. Congratulations…

4 years ago

Choosing a College During a Pandemic

Even in an era of pandemics, student stills need to decide where they will attend college in Fall, 2020. But…

5 years ago

This College, That College: Which to Choose?

It’s time. Your student has received offers of admission from at least one, or perhaps many colleges and all could…

6 years ago

Work that College Fair!

Most prospective college students and their parents attend at least one college fair while they’re in the college selection process.…

6 years ago

What College Rankings Show and What They Don’t Show

Many parents and students have read or purchased a copy of U. S. News and World Report Issue Best Colleges.…

7 years ago