academic advising

What Does it Mean to be Pre-Med, or Pre-Anything?

Congrats! Your student is heading to college as a pre-med student. Hooray! But what does it really mean to be…

2 years ago

Degree Audits

One way to help your student stay on track to graduate on time is by monitoring their degree audit. And…

2 years ago

Academic Advising And Spring Orientation

June is the time for spring orientation at colleges and universities. That’s when incoming students visit their new campuses, take…

3 years ago

The Best Academic Advising Appointment

I have a number of pet peeves. One of them is about how students approach academic advising. Just as students…

5 years ago

What Academic Advising Is Supposed To Mean

When I worked at a university in New Jersey we tried to improve our student service experience by developing what…

6 years ago