Student Success


Many of us receive that teary phone call from a son or daughter asking to come home. That strong and…

5 years ago

Repeating Courses: When to Get Back on That Horse

Most students will take a course or two in college that really kicks their butts. I don’t mean they fail…

6 years ago

Talking To College Faculty Members

A few years ago, one of my students came to my office concerned about her performance in Calculus I. This…

6 years ago

Taking an Incomplete

You’re been supporting your student through thick and thin of the semester, then something happens. This something could be an…

6 years ago

Taking Control of Their Time as College Students

Managing their time is one of the hardest things for new students to do. As much as they worked hard…

6 years ago

Using Their Lifelines: Getting Students to Use Campus Services

Every college or university offers a wide variety of services for students. And a significant number of people who work…

6 years ago

Checking on Degree Progress

By now, your student may have registered for classes for the following term. And I’m sure you may have been…

6 years ago

What Academic Advising Is Supposed To Mean

When I worked at a university in New Jersey we tried to improve our student service experience by developing what…

6 years ago

Parent and Family Weekend: Do You Go?

Ah, fall. The time when colleges and universities invite the parents and family members of their students back to campus…

6 years ago

The Syllabus

We all know about contracts, right? We sign them for car loans, insurance policies, applying for a credit card or…

7 years ago