How Colleges Work

stress from earning bad grades photo

When They Earn Bad Grades in College

Parents of new college students often worry about their student’s grades, specifically, if they might earn bad grades in college. While this is a possibility, there are many things parents focus on other than whether their student is earning bad grades. Having said that, how can parents of college students approach the topic of grades?

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Academic advising session

Academic Advising And Spring Orientation

June is the time for spring orientation at colleges and universities. That’s when incoming students visit their new campuses, take placement tests, participate in academic advising and perhaps register for classes. And at most colleges, parents don’t attend academic advising or registration sessions with their students. While this might cause you some anxiety, never fear.

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When should I call the college about by student

When to Call the College About My Student

Parents of college students often struggle with a thorny question: when to call the college on their student’s behalf? The answer to that question may surprise you. Why You’d Want to Call Parents choose to call their student’s college for many reasons. The first is because they’re worried because they haven’t received many calls home.

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