How Colleges Work

Your Financial Aid Plan B

Are you wondering why your student hasn’t received their financial aid package yet? Actually, if you’re involved in this process,…

1 year ago

What Does The Career Center Really Do?

For years, I’ve encouraged students to visit the career center of their college or university as soon as they arrive…

1 year ago

Should Your Student Apply Early Decision?

It’s that time! High school students are scrambling to submit their early decision and early action applications to college. Perhaps…

1 year ago

Binge Drinking in College

Many parents worry about their students engaging in binge drinking in college, and they should. Binge drinking is a dangerous…

1 year ago

What Does it Mean to be Pre-Med, or Pre-Anything?

Congrats! Your student is heading to college as a pre-med student. Hooray! But what does it really mean to be…

2 years ago

Make the Most of Summer

Parents often ask me how their students can become more competitive for college admissions. My answer? They should make the…

2 years ago

Degree Audits

One way to help your student stay on track to graduate on time is by monitoring their degree audit. And…

2 years ago

All About Writing Centers

Writing centers are an incredibly rich source of instruction and support for students. But like many on-campus resources, they are…

2 years ago

Making Spring Break Safe and Fun

In mid-March, thousands of college students leave their schools to take a break from their studies. During a traditional Spring…

2 years ago

Should Your Student Become a Resident Assistant?

One of the first people your student will meet in college is likely to be a resident assistant. And your…

2 years ago