College Transition

party featuring binge drinking

Binge Drinking in College

Many parents worry about their students engaging in binge drinking in college, and they should. Binge drinking is a dangerous practice that puts college students at risk all around the country. Having said that, let’s focus not on worry, but on learning about and identifying ways to combat binge drinking. Binge Drinking Defined The National […]

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pre-med students

What Does it Mean to be Pre-Med, or Pre-Anything?

Congrats! Your student is heading to college as a pre-med student. Hooray! But what does it really mean to be pre-med, or pre-anything? Not a Major For the most part, a student who is pre-med or pre-law isn’t talking about their academic major. Few believe they are actually entering a pre-med major. Then, why call

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financial literacy debt and federal student loans

Financial Literacy and Your College Student

Parents surely worry about their student’s literacy—the ability to read, write and communicate effectively. But fewer of us are confident that our students have financial literacy. Why Worry About Financial Literacy? As parents, we have good reason to be concerned about finances. College tuition is expensive, and the last thing we want is for our

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student working on paper in writing center

All About Writing Centers

Writing centers are an incredibly rich source of instruction and support for students. But like many on-campus resources, they are often underutilized. What Are Writing Centers? Writing centers are an academic support department designed to help students succeed academically. Faculty are often known to say “students can’t write.” Whether that’s true or not, writing centers

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Spring Break Prime

Making Spring Break Safe and Fun

In mid-March, thousands of college students leave their schools to take a break from their studies. During a traditional Spring Break experience, students travel to warmer locations such as Florida and Texas to blow off steam and relax. Parents often worry about their students joining thousands of others in resort locations with little supervision. There

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challenge and support with community

Should Your Student Become a Resident Assistant?

One of the first people your student will meet in college is likely to be a resident assistant. And your first reactions might be: what do these resident assistants do, and should my student try to become one? What a Resident Assistant Does Resident Assistants or RAs, serve as upperclass guides to the campus. Resident

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stress from earning bad grades photo

When They Earn Bad Grades in College

Parents of new college students often worry about their student’s grades, specifically, if they might earn bad grades in college. While this is a possibility, there are many things parents focus on other than whether their student is earning bad grades. Having said that, how can parents of college students approach the topic of grades?

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Academic advising session

Academic Advising And Spring Orientation

June is the time for spring orientation at colleges and universities. That’s when incoming students visit their new campuses, take placement tests, participate in academic advising and perhaps register for classes. And at most colleges, parents don’t attend academic advising or registration sessions with their students. While this might cause you some anxiety, never fear.

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