This Spring will mark the second time that the pandemic has curtailed graduation activities in our high schools and colleges. Many institutions are adjusting by offering virtual or scaled-down versions of graduation ceremonies. If you’re thinking that a virtual or scaled-down version isn’t worth attending, think again.
Colleges and universities have been planning these activities for at least the entire Spring term. In 2020, some sponsored virtual graduations, where students were recognized with videos or pictures along with a few statements. GradPak explains this on their site, focusing on what they term as virtual or hybrid graduations. And while family members have adjustments to make for such a ceremony, they can still be special events.
Our daughter’s university held a virtual ceremony in 2020. Each student was asked to submit a picture, and a slide was prepared for each with their hometown, major, and other accomplishments. To be honest, we didn’t pay much attention to the majority of the ceremony, but waited patiently to watch the twenty seconds or so dedicated to our daughter. This is the method used by the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. It’s a genuine attempt on the part of colleges and universities to celebrate their graduates and acknowledge that their presence—and accomplishments—are worthy.
They are: graduating from college is tough, and it is supposed to be. And many of us forget that the courses get tougher as students progress, so courses taken in the senior year are often significant more difficult than those taken in the first year. Yet our students can and do finish and graduate. If that isn’t worthy or recognition, I don’t know what is!
Students and families can plan their own virtual graduations, too. Campus Suite’s virtual graduation plan provides detailed steps so that your family can celebrate your graduate’s achievements, and include many more people than could normally attend an in-person ceremony. Plus, the addition of a website allows your graduate to showcase more of what they have achieved in a very attractive format. Think about it: at a normal graduation ceremony, all we really come to hear is one name—the name of your graduate. With the virtual graduation as outlined by Campus Suite, the entire site celebrates your graduate. Score!
And in 2020 did we get a little teary-eyed when our daughter’s name and slide came up for her virtual graduation? Yep, and we’re not ashamed to admit it: she earned this recognition and even our cynical son made the time for it. That’s partly what these ceremonies area all about: sharing, celebrating and recognizing a successful transition for your student. So whether your student is graduating from high school or college, make sure you attend…in whatever way you can.
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